Winter Weather No Midweek Services on February 19 due to the weather.

Bible Study Groups

Check out our group leaders and find a group to join for Bible Study.

About Bible Study Groups

People grow best when they are connected in healthy small groups. We were never intended to live life alone, but we were created for meaningful relationships.

We offer groups that are both multi-generational and groups that share the same age or gender.

What are the Bible Study Groups

Groups are made of 8-10 couples or sixteen to twenty individuals who gather to study God’s Word and discuss the issues and challenges of life that we all face. It is also where we pray and care for one another and where you are missed when you are not there.

Groups come in all shapes and sizes – multi-generational, senior men, senior ladies, children, students, or young adults.

Core Values

There are four core values that we aim to flesh out in our groups:

  • Biblical Teaching
  • Meaningful Relationships
  • Community Service
  • International Partnerships

How do I get involved in a group?

We know it can be difficult to take the next step from a large group environment like our weekend worship experience to a smaller setting. That’s why we would like to offer a few suggestions to help.

  1. See our Bible Study Groups at the bottom of this page.
  2. Come try out more than one group. Each group will feel a little bit different even though they all share the same philosophy. Find a group that you are comfortable in and plant yourself there.
  3. If you'd like help on where to start, click the button below and we will get you to the right spot.