Winter Weather No Midweek Services on February 19 due to the weather.

Kids Ministry Resources

Books, Podcasts and Resources for your journey through parenthood


Below are a variety of resources broken up in topics that are applicable for parents of kids. Parenting can be tiring, trying, and needs lots of patience and prayer. This section contains some of our kid and parent resources. Some can be read by just the parents or kid, or you could read some of these together.


Peek-A-Boo Bible (Babies)

The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible (Toddler & Preschool)

Jesus Storybook Bible (Preschool and Elementary)

The Biggest Story Bible Storybook (All Ages)

More Than a Story by Truth:78 (Elementary)

Exploring the Bible: A Bible Reading Plan for Kids (Older Elementary & Middle School)

The Gospel Story Bible (Older Elementary & Middle School)

ESV Children's Bible (All Ages)

NIV Children's Bible (All Ages)


Sharing the Gospel

The Gospel (Big Theology for Little Hearts) by Devon Provencher (Babies & Toddlers)

Jesus Saves: The Gospel for Toddlers by Sarah Reju

Helping Children Understand the Gospel by Truth:78

The World Created, Fallen, Redeemed, and Restored by Truth:78 (Elementary)*

The Very Bad News & the Very Good News by Truth:78 (Preschool and Young Elementary)*

The New City Catechism Devotional by Timothy Keller (Family)


Family Worship

Tough Topics


Resilient Disciples

God's Big Story by The Village Church

Adventure Parenting with Grace with Laurie Donahue

Mama Bear Apologetics with Hillary Ferrer and Amy Davison

Raising Boys and Girls with Sissy Goff, David Thomas, and Melissa Trevathan

Focus on the Family Parenting

Explore the Bible by Lifeway



Bible For Kids

New City Catechism

Other Resources:

Parent Cue

CCEF Minibook Resources

Raising Boys and Girls (Books)

*available in the church library