Winter Weather No Midweek Services on February 19 due to the weather.

Sundays at Calvary Kids

Join us at 9:15am and 10:30am!

Join us for Calvary Kids this Sunday!

at 9:15am

We have age-based Bible Study Groups for all kids from infant to 6th grade from 9:15-10:15am every Sunday. We use Truth:78 and Explore the Bible curriculum for toddlers to 4th grade & the Forged preteen curriculum for our 5th and 6th graders! We desire to engage the kids in Biblical discussion and make it relatable for their age.

at 10:30am


Not to do so would be like sitting down to the family evening meal but excluding the kids. Sure their manners might be far from elegant, but we welcome them because they are part of the family. Being with family is how we learn to be family. Worship is no different. Young people giggle, they poke, they ask questions and they swing their legs because they are young children. Children learn about worship and how to participate by experience, by how they are welcomed into the community, by what they see big people doing.

Calvary Kids in Kindergarten and up can pick up a worksheet and crayons from our Next Steps desk. On the worksheet your children can find activities that correspond with the message for that Sunday.

Infant - 5 year olds

If you have an infant to 5 year old, we offer a gospel-centered lesson from Truth:78 during our service. There will be a volunteer at the check-in station on the kids hallway who will meet your family, check your child into our system, and lead your child to their age-appropriate room.

Upon checking in for the first time, we will ask for some personal information (NOTE: We value your privacy and will not share this information with anyone); like your name, child's name and birthdate, cell phone number, and any special instructions or allergies.

At Check-In: You and your child will be given matching name tags that are exclusive to your family and your visit. Your child will need to wear the name tag portion while you hold on to the matching tag. After the service is complete, you will return to your child’s room and show your tag in order for your child to be released back to you.

During Service: In the event that we need to contact you during the service, we will use the cell phone number given for the name tag to text you during the service. We ask that you exit the worship center immediately and look for a staff member or volunteer who will direct you to your child’s room.

Got questions?

If you have further questions concerning our Calvary Kids experience, simply click the button below and get in touch with us!